Grammar School
The grammar school includes K-5th Grades.
We strive to foster our students’ natural curiosity about the world and enhance their sense of wonder, with the goal of developing lifelong learners. We build a strong foundation to prepare students for success at the upper school level.

About Grammar School
This is the foundational stage of learning, characterized by memorizing a broad range of facts and absorbing knowledge. In any subject, ‘grammar’ refers to its fundamental components. For example, the grammar of spelling includes spelling rules and phonics, while the grammar of mathematics consists of memorizing math facts and formulas. In English, it involves understanding parts of speech such as nouns, verbs, and prepositions. The grammar of science encompasses key facts, including the planets in the solar system, the systems of the human body, the parts of a plant, the periodic table of elements, and cell structures. Similarly, the grammar of history involves learning significant events, dates, locations, and key figures.
The first step in learning anything new is mastering the foundational facts. Without this essential knowledge, deeper understanding is not possible. Nearly every profession has its own ‘grammar’—a unique set of fundamental knowledge and terminology. This applies to fields such as plumbing, welding, law, engineering, and medicine, each with its specialized vocabulary and principles.

الفضائل الأساسية
Classical education teaches objective virtues that have been long revered in the Western tradition, such as wisdom, temperance, justice, and courage. At Ashley River Classical, we strive to instill virtue in our students from a young age, so the the virtues are a central part of the grammar school curriculum
Curriculum Highlights
Our grammar school students receive the foundation of a well-rounded education in the liberal arts and sciences. Singapore Math and Explicit Phonics are key components.

Singapore Math
Singapore Math is a globally recognized program that builds algebraic thinking from kindergarten through 7th grade, leading to trigonometry and calculus studies in high school. The program is highly effective at preparing students to succeed in advanced mathematics in college and beyond.
Explicit Phonics
Our phonics curriculum fosters literacy by equipping students with the foundational elements of the English language. Through mastering spelling, reading, and writing, they develop the skills needed to communicate with clarity and confidence.
أوراق المناهج الدراسية
من خلال شراكتنا مع مبادرة مدرسة هيلسديل بارني تشارتر، نقدم منهجًا دراسيًا مجربًا يشكل وحدة متكاملة، وهو ما يساعد على ضمان تكامل تعلم الطالب بين المواد الدراسية وعبر مستويات الصفوف. على سبيل المثال، داخل الصف الدراسي الواحد، ترتبط دروس التاريخ بالفن والموسيقى والأدب، وترتبط دروس العلوم بالرياضيات والتاريخ والموسيقى. في جميع المواد الدراسية، يتيح الأساس الذي تم بناؤه في الصفوف الدراسية الأصغر سنًا دراسة أعمق مع نضوج الطلاب.
مدرسة ابتدائية
المدرسة المتوسطة
مدرسة ثانوية
الآن نقوم بتوظيف معلمين من رياض الأطفال حتى الصف الثاني عشر
ARCA is looking for teachers who have a solid understanding of classical education, a dedication to the liberal arts and the teaching of civics, and a strong capacity for organizational leadership.